apriori pr and marketing Munich, Germany
+49 89-206021 432


Prompting for AI Inspired by Nature Masterclass

On May 14th, 2024 apriori pr and marketing will hold a two-hour masterclass as part of the Munich Creative Business Week (MCBW) on the topic “Prompting for AI Inspired by Nature,” targeted at Marketing Managers, PR Managers, Communicators, Art Directors, Creative Designers, and Social Media Managers.

Milan Design Week 2024 Trendscouting

The apriori team explored this year’s Milan design week from 15th to 21st April as trend scouts in the areas of automobile design, Furniture Design for Homes, Workplace Design, Art & Design, Accessory Design, Architecture & Design, Technology & Design as well as Health Design.

Happy Easter 2024

The apriori pr and marketing team wishes Happy Easter!

This year we asked the Artificial Intelligence CHAT GPT / DALLE for inspiration on our Social Media and LinkedIn Posts. What image do you like most?

Free Material Characterization by sensXPERT

On the occasion of this year’s JEC World in Paris from 4th to 7th March, sensXPERT is offering an informative program for visitors of their booth in hall 6, T52.

Digital Bike Art Gallery Santafixie

apriori pr and marketing designed a digital bike art gallery for the Spanish urban mobility bike producer Santafixie. The photo shootings took place in different German cities with Santafixie bikes in front of the Cities’ urban and street art.

Wayve Pay revolutionizes the European payment landscape

Wayve Pay, the US fintech startup, is proud to announce its groundbreaking wearable payment that is set to transform the way people make payments. With a strong focus on convenience, security, and seamless user experience, Wayve Pay aims to revolutionize the payment landscape and empowers a new behavior of payment.

Metaverse interview: What does a VR Content Manager?

Nico Geisenberger from apriori pr and marketing produced an interesting video directly within the metaverse with the film producer and VR Content Manager Christina Kinne. Both of them met via their Virtual Reality Headsets and did this exciting interview as avatars. This interview has been produced for our client, the NGO Schule fuer Morgen for their job interivew series Berufe2Go.

apriori is part of the jury of the Lisbon Advertising Award 2022

The Lisbon International Advertising Festivals is a globally recognized awards group in the world in the creativity field. Christiane, Managing Director of apriori pr and marketing is one of the jury members of the Lisbon international advertising awards festival 2022.

apriori consultancy for fintech startups

he apriori Finance Team provides consultancy for national and international fintech and insurtech startups as well as corporate startups. Important areas are global trade relations, trade finance, embedded finance as well as buy now pay later solutions.

apriori services: Strategic Consulting, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media, Content Creation and Content Management